
On May 12th, two MTEC SmartZone clients, Bayle Golden and Rourke Sylvain, presented during the First Annual TCNewTech University Idea Showcase. Golden placed second and earned audience favorite ($2,000 total cash prize) for her presentation on SafeROW.  SafeROW is an innovative wearable, waterproof, and adjustable GPS bracelet accessory for children to wear that tracks their location on a parent’s phone. Sylvain also gave a compelling pitch for imi (integrated molecular innovations), an electrochemical biosensor for T4 detection. The event can be viewed on YouTube.

The TCNewTech University Idea Showcase is open to both idea-stage entrepreneurs and early-stage startups based out of universities located in Michigan. The participating universities showcased their best student-led ideas to compete for cash prizes and a traveling trophy. A panel of judges asked questions and determined the best and most innovative ideas.